Know What We Want
If we want a life that is satisfying and custom made for ourselves, then it’s a good idea to take the time and effort to know what we want. Those of us that do this can live a very rewarding life that the ones that don’t do this may be envious of. But we all get a choice – to be the one celebrating our well-designed life or the one that is envious of others’ lives.
If we choose the celebrating life, we can start by asking ourselves, ‘what are our wants?’ Not our ‘shoulds’ but our ‘wants.’ To shoot for the moon, without limits, we can ask, ‘If nothing was stopping me, what do I want?’
Get specific. What do I want my personal relationships to look like? With my family? My work? My career? My profession?
Where do I want to live? What area of the town, city, state, country, world? Where it is hot? warm? cold? By water? By mountains? By plains?
In what kind of dwelling do I want to live? A castle? House? Apartment? Boat? Tree? Airplane?
What kind of transportation do I want to use? A bike? Car? Bus? Limousine? Plane? Helicopter? Walk?
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We can do this with every area of our life and there are a lot of areas! There are a couple of really good ways to get started!
First: Recognize when you say that you don’t like something – for example: “I really don’t like all of these cars everywhere.” Then let that prompt you to ask, Where do I want to live? In the city? Country? Small town? Farm land? By myself? In a huge family?……
Second: Inquire about your wants that are on a smaller scale than your life. This will train your ‘know what you want’ muscles to be strong. Go into a restaurant and without looking at the menu, inquire inside yourself what it is you want to eat. And then ask for it…..this is a great segue to the next blog – Get What We Want!
A New View for you. See you soon! smiles susan